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bayboiboi 05-01-2018 05:16 AM

Penis warts
Anyone with that before? How do we seek treatment for it? Thanks in advance! Hope to see more open up to share on penis matter.

sexynoob 05-01-2018 07:58 AM

Re: Penis warts
Jus go DSC and enjoy nitro freeze

simran 05-01-2018 05:01 PM

Re: Penis warts
Just go and see your doctor and in the meantime don't have sex .

Snuber 06-01-2018 01:02 AM

Re: Penis warts
Its genital warts, caused by HPV. As per advised, get yourself down to DSC immediately for treatment and abstain from sex during this time

sena12 06-01-2018 02:12 AM

Re: Penis warts
or you can try this

Rexsterz 06-01-2018 11:39 AM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by bayboiboi (Post 16872614)
Anyone with that before? How do we seek treatment for it? Thanks in advance! Hope to see more open up to share on penis matter.

Another player bites the dust ........

hublotez 06-01-2018 05:10 PM

Re: Penis warts
This is the result when people don't take necessary precautions when having sex.

nitecrawllerr 06-01-2018 06:38 PM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by hublotez (Post 16878060)
This is the result when people don't take necessary precautions when having sex.

But TS did not say he did raw. Even if helmet on theres no guarantee 100% safe either.:D

Snuber 07-01-2018 03:02 AM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by hublotez (Post 16878060)
This is the result when people don't take necessary precautions when having sex.

This is a misconception.... That piece of rubber is useless against HPV

newyorker88 07-01-2018 07:18 AM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by Snuber (Post 16879641)
This is a misconception.... That piece of rubber is useless against HPV

The rubber can’t protect against all STDs...

sammyboyfor 07-01-2018 10:26 AM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by hublotez (Post 16878060)
This is the result when people don't take necessary precautions when having sex.

Condoms do not provide protection against genital warts because transmission is via skin to skin contact in areas not covered by the condom eg the base of the penile shaft and the scrotum.

paulcum2sooon 07-01-2018 03:42 PM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by sammyboyfor (Post 16880360)
Condoms do not provide protection against genital warts because transmission is via skin to skin contact in areas not covered by the condom eg the base of the penile shaft and the scrotum.

I agree.

I've already contracted those before ... damn suay kenna twice. Once around groin area and the other was rectal. Apparently you can contract rectal warts through AR if your partner is infected.

I went for cryotherapy, using extreme cold (nitrogen) to remove. This was followed by ointment etc.

Some friends of mine found Imiquimod helpful - This cream appears to boost your immune system's ability to fight genital warts.

sammyboyfor 07-01-2018 03:50 PM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by paulcum2sooon (Post 16881322)
I agree.

I've already contracted those before ... damn suay kenna twice. Once around groin area and the other was rectal. Apparently you can contract rectal warts through AR if your partner is infected.

I went for cryotherapy, using extreme cold (nitrogen) to remove. This was followed by ointment etc.

Some friends of mine found Imiquimod helpful - This cream appears to boost your immune system's ability to fight genital warts.

Warts is no big deal almost everybody is infected at one time or another. In most cases the body's immune system will clear the infection after a couple of years.

Same thing applies with warts on other parts of the body. I had one on my finger a few years ago. It caused no issues so I just left it and by the following year it just disappeared on its own and has not recurred.

Overcomb 08-01-2018 09:02 PM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by simran (Post 16874463)
Just go and see your doctor and in the meantime don't have sex .

Agree with you on this .

kelvinkou 21-05-2019 02:48 PM

Re: Penis warts
Just had it cleared by nitro freeze. Need advice from bros here. Okay to still raw after this?

energy_boi 21-05-2019 03:29 PM

Re: Penis warts
What a coincidence. i just went to get tested and i had genital warts too. Going to do a full body blood test. I am going for nitro freeze thereafter. Just thinking, even though it clears up (takes 2 years), i wonder when does it consider safe to have sex with my wife.

Anxiously waiting other test results

kelvinkou 21-05-2019 04:16 PM

Re: Penis warts
Yeah bro. Hope your results are good.
Any kind doctor here can advice us?

sammyboyfor 21-05-2019 05:42 PM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by kelvinkou (Post 18719439)
Yeah bro. Hope your results are good.
Any kind doctor here can advice us?

What advice do you need?

sammyboyfor 21-05-2019 05:45 PM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by kelvinkou (Post 18719062)
Just had it cleared by nitro freeze. Need advice from bros here. Okay to still raw after this?

Nitro freezing deals with the visible warts but the underlying HPV infection is still there.

If you're having unprotected with the same person that you were having sex with before the warts were treated then chances are she is already infected. In fact you could well have caught the warts from her.

If you have found someone new then I suggest you use a condom to reduce the risk of transmission to your new sex partner.

energy_boi 21-05-2019 07:36 PM

Re: Penis warts
Was told that the virus will be completely gone in 2 years by the doctor . Body auto clears itself (not remission)

energy_boi 21-05-2019 08:48 PM

Re: Penis warts
Just thinking is there a test for HPV for ladies? Cos i know guys have none

KnuckleDuster 21-05-2019 11:45 PM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by energy_boi (Post 18720221)
Was told that the virus will be completely gone in 2 years by the doctor . Body auto clears itself (not remission)

It takes 5 years for me in fact. What kind of warts u got? Bowenoid paPulosis? Well is it brown in colour?

sammyboyfor 22-05-2019 05:15 AM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by energy_boi (Post 18720221)
Was told that the virus will be completely gone in 2 years by the doctor . Body auto clears itself (not remission)

The doctor is correct and that is true in the majority of cases. However there are always exceptions which take longer.

sammyboyfor 22-05-2019 05:16 AM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by energy_boi (Post 18720439)
Just thinking is there a test for HPV for ladies? Cos i know guys have none

The abnormal cells in the cervix caused by HPV can be detected during a PAP smear test.

energy_boi 22-05-2019 07:00 AM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by KnuckleDuster (Post 18721089)
It takes 5 years for me in fact. What kind of warts u got? Bowenoid paPulosis? Well is it brown in colour?

Still waiting for results. It’s brown in colour. There is a small skin flap at the pee hole.

sammyboyfor 22-05-2019 10:12 AM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by energy_boi (Post 18719255)
What a coincidence. i just went to get tested and i had genital warts too. Going to do a full body blood test. I am going for nitro freeze thereafter. Just thinking, even though it clears up (takes 2 years), i wonder when does it consider safe to have sex with my wife.

Anxiously waiting other test results

If you have HPV then it is almost certain that your wife is already infected so it makes no difference what you do after the nitro freeze. It is already way too late.

In fact she could have passed it to you.

energy_boi 22-05-2019 10:46 AM

Re: Penis warts
Yea. She doesn’t seem to have any symptoms. Just wait for immune system to clear e virus .

sammyboyfor 22-05-2019 11:55 AM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by energy_boi (Post 18722712)
Yea. She doesn’t seem to have any symptoms. Just wait for immune system to clear e virus .

Most HPV infections show no symptoms. In females the warts may not be external but occur on the cervix and can only be seen if a colposcope is used to examine the cervix.

Read :


Can You Have HPV If You Don’t Have Warts?

Does HPV always cause symptoms?

Certain types of HPV can cause warts. Other types can lead to certain cancers.
Many people with HPV never have any symptoms.

Oral HPV typically includes symptoms other than warts, like trouble swallowing and hoarseness.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a group of viruses and one of the most common types of sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the United States. Nearly all sexually active peopleTrusted Source will have HPV at some point in their lives, and they may not even know it.

There are over 150 different types of HPV, each designated by its own number. Many types don’t have any symptoms and will often clear up without treatment. Some types of HPV cause warts, while others don’t. The strength of your immune system can also determine whether a certain type of HPV will cause warts.

We explain the types of symptoms someone may experience with HPV, how it’s treated, and what to do when diagnosed with it.

What symptoms are possible?

Most people with HPV never experience any symptoms. It’s estimated that 9 out of 10 cases clear up without treatment, often within two years. There are times, however, when the virus persists in the body and symptoms result.

It may also come down to the type of HPV that’s transmitted. Some types of HPV can cause warts. HPV-6 and HPV-11 are two examples. Other types, such as HPV-16 and HPV-18, don’t cause warts but can lead to certain cancers.


Warts are a common symptom and don’t have to appear right after contracting HPV. Warts can appear weeks, months, or even years after the virus has been contracted. The way the warts look and where they appear on the body are determined by the type of HPV:

Common warts

These rough, red bumps usually appear on elbows, fingers, and hands. Common warts may be painful or bleed easily.

Genital warts

Genital warts, as their name indicates, appear most commonly on the vulva. They can also appear near the anus, in the vagina, or on the cervix. These warts resemble irritated, cauliflower-like clusters, tiny raised bumps, or flat bruise-like lesions. They may itch but rarely cause pain.

Flat warts

These warts appear as darkened areas of the skin with slightly raised, flat tops. They can crop up anywhere on the body.

Plantar warts

These warts may appear irritated, hard, and grainy. They most often occur on the bottoms of feet, which may cause some discomfort.

Other symptoms

The same types of HPV that can cause genital warts may also cause warts in the mouth and throat. This is called oral HPV.

With oral HPV, symptoms may include:
  • an earache
  • hoarseness
  • a sore throat that won’t go away
  • pain when swallowing
  • unexplained weight loss
  • swollen lymph nodes

HPV and cancer

Some types of HPV may also lead to certain cancers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HPV is the cause of over 31,000 cancersTrusted Source each year.

Cervical cancer is the most common HPV-related cancer. Symptoms of cervical cancer may include:
  • irregular vaginal bleeding
  • unusual vaginal discharge
  • difficulty urinating or having bowel movements
  • fatigue
  • weight loss
Other cancers that are possible due to HPV include:
  • cancer of the vagina and vulva
  • cancer of the penis and scrotum
  • cancer of the anus
  • cancer at the back of the throat (oropharynx)

Getting screened for HPV and other STIs regularly can ensure that any abnormal results are addressed quickly.

How do you get HPV?

HPV is a virus that’s usually transmitted by intimate, skin-to-skin contact. It most commonly occurs during vaginal or anal sexTrusted Source.

The virus is also more likely to be transmitted if there’s an opening on the skin, such as a cut, abrasion, or tear. These openings can be microscopic in size and may occur while a person is having sex.


HPV can be transmitted even when warts or other symptoms aren’t present. But any type of wart can be contagious if touched.

Unlike some other viruses, HPV can live outside of the body for very short periods of time. This means that it’s possible for the virus to be contracted by touching anything that’s come into contact with the virus.

Although uncommon, anyone who has HPV and becomes pregnant has a slight risk of transmitting the virus to their child during pregnancy or delivery. Here’s what you need to know about the risks of HPV while pregnant.

Are there risk factors?

The CDC states that nearly all sexually active people will get HPV at some point in their life. Although HPV can affect anyone, certain people may have a higher risk.

Risk factors for getting HPV include:
  • having unprotected sex
  • having a weakened immune system

Practicing safe sex is one of the best ways to reduce your risk for all STIs. If you’re sexually active, getting screened is another great way to prevent complications. If you get tested earlier and a high-risk HPV type is found, your doctor will be able to monitor you to ensure that cancer doesn’t result.

Having a weakened immune system may also increase your risk. A weakened immune system may come about due to certain prescribed medications that suppress the immune system, or certain health conditions.

How is HPV diagnosed?

There are two methods that doctors use to diagnose HPV. These include:

Examination. If warts are present, a doctor may be able to make a diagnosis based on a physical examination. Biopsies are sometimes done for further testing in a lab.

DNA test. This test can help identify the types of HPV that can cause cancers by using cells taken from the cervix. A doctor may get this DNA during a Pap test.
HPV tests performed on specimens obtained through Pap tests are used to screen for HPV infection. These are recommended only for women 30 years and older. In younger women or women with an abnormal Pap test, HPV testing is used so that a doctor can determine whether HPV is the cause of the abnormal result. According to the CDCTrusted Source, HPV tests aren’t currently recommended to screen men, adolescents, or women under 30.

macmillan 22-05-2019 07:41 PM

Re: Penis warts
Those guys who got infected with warts -- did you receive the HPV vaccine BEFORE your infection? Gardasil 4 or 9.

KnuckleDuster 27-05-2019 12:17 PM

Re: Penis warts

Originally Posted by macmillan (Post 18724753)
Those guys who got infected with warts -- did you receive the HPV vaccine BEFORE your infection? Gardasil 4 or 9.

Recieved also can get

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